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dan michaels stair|Page 4|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
August 7, 2014
Hi Daniel,
The dxf files are to be used with a cad program like draftsight or nanocad which has a free version.
the workshop docs is a pdf file showing you all parts and developed stair flights. The most important one is the cutting list where you can see what you need to build each part.
To see how al fits you have to use sd7 itself as you have the 3D view, top view, you can see the steps and how they fit into the stringer and newels. You definitely need to get a windows laptop or pc to get sd7 to work.
The templates are pdf files made on scale 1/1 that you can have printed out on a large printer. Common width of the paper is around 914mm. These you can glue on top of your pieces so that you can cut out the pieces.
Here I added an example of templates for steps and a cut string.
Im reviewing all that now, looks good. I had to install neo-writer to view all the pages that said .dxf but when I try to open the two links that say stair2d.dxf and stair3d.dxf, I only see blank pages on the neo-writer.
Are there any other formats you can send that? The stair workshopdocs.pdf work perfectly on my computer.
What I’m confused about is I don’t have a view of how everything fits together, all I can see are the individual parts. So I’m not sure I can visualize, underneath the winder section for example, what each piece rests on and how it fits together.
Also, Michel, a question – what exactly are the templates? Are they documents that can somehow be printed out actual size to lay on the actual wood, or something else?
August 7, 2014
Hi Daniel
Here are the documents but I left out the templates as it takes time to make them. Based on these doc’s you have enough information to check on site. If all is ok I will provide you the templates as a final doc delivery.
Okay Michel, thank you.
I think at the moment I will say we should proceed ahead with the documents and then I will check everything over again at the house. If there are small adjustments necessary I can do them myself.
I have miter saw, circular saw, table saw, jig saw, pretty much all the tools needed to do an entire home renovation. I am a licensed contractor and have done several of my own home renovations in addition to building many houses.
Although I am NOT a carpenter I think I can do it or get the appropriate help if needed. Retro-fitting a stairway into an unusual opening in a very old house is new to me however!
August 7, 2014
Hi Daniel,
Once you agree on the stair you will get all documents including the templates as you took the stairplan Service.
With these documents, you will be able to define the needed material to build your stair project.
I can assist you through the build of your stair if needed.
It is important that you check every aspect of the stair especially the measurements as your stair has to fit properly.
Do you have a woodworking shop? Which tools do you have to build it? What are your skills in woodworking?
Greetings Michel, hope you are doing well.
The latest version looks great, I will deal with any notching around the beams or adjustments to the posts as I build, no problem.
I really like how you showed a curve on the bottom of the stringers, that looks good, will that be included in the templates?
So what do you do next so I have a more exact idea of what to buy and how to cut and assemble it? Then I can inspect in more detail and let you know any changes.
August 7, 2014
Hi Daniel,
I made the second flight 39″ so this means you will have to cut the last 2 steps around 3″ I guess to pass around that beam.
I extended de right stringboard so that you can fix it in the siding wall to create enough support for the stair. Also, the top side of the right side newel will have a cut to fit in the beam and creates also an extra anker point for the stair.
Let me know your comments.
Hello Michel, hope you are having a nice sunday. Here are some photos, the first one is looking “north” along the right side of the opening. Second one, “west” along the rear of the opening to where the stairs will end up. Third one is similar. Fourth one is looking “east” back along the rear of the opening.
A few little notes: upon re-measuring, the floor to floor height is about 89″. The lower floor is now going to get 1/2″ total of underlayment and laminate flooring. The upper floor will have carpet padding then carpet. I plan to trim the opening with 1/2″ thick wood and have that wood stick up maybe 3/4″ above the upper floor height for the carpet to butt into. Don’t know if that affects stair calculations.
Also, the width is really about 74, not 72.
On the 81 inch dimension, that is from the front of the opening to the rear wall where the white siding is. As you can see, a beam projects about 3″ into that opening – the winders and stairs will go along it. I don’t know how the projection of the beam will affect building code on the width of the stairs but perhaps if we can make the stairs 39″ along that side it would be safer.
Also, I don’t know if a handrail is required along that rear wall – I think the rail you have shown is adequate.
Okay that’s all for now, hope this info is clear and helpful
Best regards
August 7, 2014
Hi Dan,
I am located in Belgium current time now 5:32 PM and working every day ;-). On weekdays I can give some reply early in the morning and after 5 pm. Friday to Sunday mostly the whole day but there can be some gaps if I have to be somewhere.
We discuss every aspect of the stair until you have a product you can manufacture, assemble and put on site.
Of course, all needed documentation will be provided as also included the templates for each part.
This is why it is important that I have as much as possible input from you on this project.
Thank you, Great. When do you work, Michel? I do understand it’s Saturday and we also probably have a big time difference, where are you located?
Tomorrow morning I will double check the dimensions and also send you photos , then I will be away for a couple of days and we can resume the final details maybe Tuesday.
Looks like we are on the right track, easier than I thought. Do I also get details of how everything is supported, in other words all the other parts like templates for the stringers, support for the winders, etc?
Regards, Dan
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