Stair Design
How to calculate and design a stair using free software
If you want to build a stair on a very tight budget but have some free time, you will certainly find this article interesting. With the free version of StairDesigner, you can…
How to build winder stairs
Here’s a beautiful first time stair hand made by Bernard of Chalon in France. Bernard has used StairDesigner with our StairFile service to design the winder stair. With StairDesigners DXF plans and a…
Glass balustrades in StairDesigner
StairDesigner doesn’t really do glass balustrades but we can trick it into displaying glass using the techniques below. Open Banister Parameters menu Setting up Banister Parameters to fill the space between the…
Adding a half turn landing into a stair with winders
How to design a staircase with a half turn landing using StairDesigner Set up the general view of the stair with a sketch Draw the stairwell for this half turn staircase either…
Design a Helitical Stair with StairDesigner and ProgeCad
I often receive emails asking how to design continuous curved stairs in StairDesigner. This week Alain Marin of Escalier Bois has asked me how to set up a helical stair with a…
Boxed string in 3 parts
At times it’s impossible to assemble a stair and raise or lower it into the stair well. When the stair strings are boxed and the steps and risers recessed into the string…
Designing a Straight Central Cut Stringer Staircase
Continuous curved central cut strings give a very elegant design for modern stairs, but the curved stringer and handrails can be long and expensive to manufacture. A compromise is to make the…
How to Design a Wooden Handrail for an Existing Stair with StairDesigner
StairDesigner isn’t really made to design railings only but with a bit of a trick you can easily design all sorts of railing for existing stairs whether they be in wood cement,…