StairDesigner doesn’t really do glass balustrades but we can trick it into displaying glass using the techniques below.
Open Banister Parameters menu
Setting up Banister Parameters to fill the space between the string and handrail
To get the glass to fill the space between the string and the handrail use a rectangular sectionned spindle with a spacing of “0”.
The “length” parameter will in fact give the vertical width of the glass panel and the “width” parameter the thickness of the panel.
Adjust the “length” parameter so that the space between vertical supports is divided without leaving a space at each extremity.
Setting up the glass using the materials parameters box
Open the Materials parameters dialogue box
How to mak the Banisters appear like glass
In the Materials Parameter tool box ;
Highlight the Banisters and make the “Transparency” between 60 and 90 according to the aspect you want.
You can make coloured stained glass using the “Color” parameter.
To make more specific and realistic glass designs the best solution is to export StairDesigner DXf files into a CAD program like AutoCad or ProgeCad .
In CADD design possibilities then become illimited.
Click here for the StairDesigner download page which includes a series of video tutorials to get your started.
Hi, do you have a software for stainless steel railing design?
Hi Tim, unfortunately our software doesn’t design steel railings.
HI i am looking for free download for a stair case going up from the left and back on its self to the left at the top
Hello Pam,
I’m not sure what shape your stair should be, can you send me a drawing?