Cabinet Design

PolyBoard Quick Design libraries update

PolyBoard Quick Design libraries update

The latest release of PolyBoard’s Quick Design libraries, version 7.5, is now available for download. Here’s a taste of the new components you can now add to your cabinet projects… Auto apply…

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Innovative cabinet design ideas behind 3 stunning residential projects

It’s fantastic to hear from customers who are getting the very best out of our software, really maxing out the features available to them. Kerfworks, one of our UK customers, has sent…

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polyboard manual download

PolyBoard manual

The PolyBoard manual is available from our website as a series of written and video tutorials, plus a downloadable guide covering PolyBoard’s Quick Design libraries. Here is a quick overview of the…

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cabinet software cnc

CNC cabinet design software to turbocharge production

How to combine CNC cabinet design software with your machine to boost the speed and accuracy of production, top software recommendations and common mistakes to avoid. After investing big in a CNC…

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cut list

Cutting list optimizer for professional workshops

Looking for an alternative to manually calculating your cutting list? We’ll take a look at how to transition from manual cut list production to a design and manufacturing process that automates creation…

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blum aventos

Blum AVENTOS calculator

We really like Blum’s AVENTOS lift system range. It accommodates heavy doors, handle-less doors, it will stay open at any point and includes Blum’s BLUEMOTION system for easy opening and closing. PolyBoard,…

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polyboard libraries update

Polyboard Quick Design libraries update: what’s new?

To get the most out of Polyboard, it must be used together with the Quick Design libraries. These libraries contain a huge range of popular hardware, materials, pre configured drawers, and many…

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grain matching OptiCut

Perfect grain and more: major OptiCut update

OptiCut 6 is now available and features a range of powerful new capabilities you’ve asked us for to cut your parts even more effectively. To help you access these new features we’ve…

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