Wood Designer forum
Stair File Lite for Landen|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
November 8, 2013
Hi Landen, here they are. All the best, Stefan
Thanks so much Stefan. Would it be possible to get a copy of the files dimension-ed in inches? I could convert all the values myself but it would take some time. Thanks so much in advance! I will also keep in the mind the stairfile pro option before the real work begins.
November 8, 2013
Hi Landen, thanks for using our StairFile Lite service. Please find your files attached.
Please note, StairFile Lite is a processing service only. We haven’t checked your final design in any way.
If you need it reviewed and potentially revised, or full size templates of each part for printing, please order the StairFile Pro service:
For more details on the differences, click here:
All the best, Stefan