Wood Designer forum
My first stair|Page 2|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
No .sds file this time either?!?
I try again in this post and if it’s not working now I send it to you on email.
Download Asmund-4-uten-utstikk-80-ingang-.sdsDownload Asmund-4-uten-utstikk-80-ingang-.sds
Here is the autocad drawing of the stair he plan to build himself before I suggest to build one for him (I forgot it in my second post with the other picture )
Now I try for the fourth time to upload the .sds file. Strange because it has been on the list together with the .jpg files every time.
It has to be something I’m missing, hope it is there now
October 4, 2012
Hello Vidf,
Thanks for posting your project.
Your English is fine and easy to understand.
Your sds file doesn’t seem to have uploaded, can you try to upload again.
Click the Upload Attachments button below and drag and drop the file into the upload window.
All the best,
First I have to tell you that I’m not good at writing, especially not in English :O
But I will try my very best and hope for the best
This is also my first post on the forum so I can tell you a little bit of myself.
I have never made a stair before. But I have a friend who working at a stair-workshop for some years, some years ago.
He still make a stair now and then in his nowadays job.
He has given me priceless information/knowledge.
And I have learned quite a lot by reading on this forum and looking at Ness’s videos
As I said, I have never made a stair before but I have made many, many furniture’s.
The big numbers came in my 8 years on a furniture factory, but I have made many furniture’s after that both in smaller workshops and in my own business.
Most of it on cnc.
Nowadays I working for my self and have a Biesse Rover 321 R,
like this (not my machine, just a pic from internet) : https://www.hoechsmann.com/ima….._haube.jpg
Its a good machine (mechanical) with 2 router, one saw, 13 vertical drills and 6 horizontal drill.
Like this:
Unfortunately it’s the old biesse “computer” (brain?) based on a old UNIX system so it doesn’t speak with DOS compatible pc
When I make furniture’s it’s not really a problem because I’m quite fast to writing G-code at the panel.
But when I make sign’s it’s worse when it can easily be several thousand program lines :O
But I have found a workaround so with a bit patients I can force DOS files in to it nevertheless. I guess I will use this method on the stair parts.
Back to the stair project
I’m in a bit of hurry :O
The stair is for a entrepreneur who is building a cabin for someone as we speak (he know this is my first stair).
And he will not get his money for the cabin before the stair is at it’s place… And he is broke…, and 3 weeks from now I’m going to Cyprus for vacation :/ At that time the stair (and some other project as well) should be finish..
For several reasons the hole project has been delayed from my side. But now I feel I’m ready to go for it.
5 plates of pine-plate 3100*630*40mm is ready in my workshop waiting for me.
We have talked us through the details the last 3 months. Both he and me, and I have asked my friend (the stairmaker) for advises now and then.
At the beginning he just want a simple stair with a landing like the autocad drawing attached, he had plan to build it himself. But when I offer to make one he was happy for that offer.
I quickly advise him to take a quarterturn-stair, most of all for me to make myself experiences.
And, when we finally had found an agreement on how the stair should be I discover that the stair to the cellar in my mothers house is about the same as the one i shall build Attachment
The only difference is that the new stair(room) is 40 cm longer than my mothers so i know that even if it’s steeply it should be better then my mothers.
The opening (hole) in the second floor is 2255 * 750 mm.
But in the program I have put in 2235 * 700mm.
So we will make it 20mm shorter in case the cabin should shrink more than expected.
Floor to floor is set to 2360 and there it is margins for shrinking of the cabin.
In the stairdesigner drawing I have only put one newel post on the left side at the floor.
(The nevel post is supposed to be 90*90mm)
We shall have one at the top also, but that will be mounted between the stringboard and the floor so I don’t need it in the drawing.
I guess I easily can design handrails in my CAD/CAM program with cut and paste from the stringboard drawings?
I have given it 11 steps which will give Riser hight: 214,5mm, Tread width:205,2mm and Stair rule:634,5mm
Do you think that is okay ?
If I use 10 steps I get Riser hight: 235mm, Tread width:228mm and Stair rule:698mm
If I use 12 steps I get Riser hight: 195,8mm, Tread width:186,5mm and Stair rule:578,2mm
The top step is not supposed to be maked at all, it will be the floor of the second floor.
The thickness of the second floor is only 95mm(!), it’s of solid wood, so I maybe have to design the stringboard a bit under the roof, but that can I do in my CAD/CAM.
My plan is to route the hole step 20mm in too the stringboard (without joints) and use screws from the outside instead of glue, so I hope the edge of the steps will be marked on the stringboard drawing?
My Cad/cam program is kind of old and weird so it’s not very good with DXF files, do you have the opportunity to export it as .EPS files instead of DXF ?
In that case it has to be EPS version 1 (older than 2005)
But if that is difficult I guess I can have the file translated from DXF at some friends of mine J
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