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Hettich Actro YOU Avantech drawers and rules|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
January 20, 2017
Easier on video for all, my English is catastrophic
All the best, Alex
Alex said
Hi,with this models you can edit Height of shelf (cylinder) and export in DXF3D then import in to your 3D accesories
Please find DXF attached
and more details on the link below
All the best, Alex
Tell me please how can I cahnge the height – or show me please – where I can change?
January 20, 2017
with this models you can edit Height of shelf (cylinder) and export in DXF3D then import in to your 3D accesories
Please find DXF attached
and more details on the link below
All the best, Alex
January 20, 2017
Your drilling has been set to 9mm from the outside (Face1) and should be set to References Axis > Panel edge overpassing.
Follow the front regardless of the front/side slack.
Your ruler should be set to Single to add only one, to Overpassing to follow the front, and to Reverse to start from the bottom at 9mm.
Conventionnel front to back / Top to Bottom
Reverse Back to front / Bottom to Top
hope that’s helpful,
Regards, Alex
January 20, 2017
Yes, you are right.
All depending what un need’s.
In general, I recommend setting up with a 1.5 mm peripheral slack and a 3 mm slack between drawers.
So when boxes are placed against each other we will then have a general slack of 3mm, and adjust for special cases such as connections with covering pieces
plus the drawers always tend to be a bit lower.
The ideal is to find a standard norm to have as little modification as possible
All the best, Alex
Alex said
If you have 0.8, it is actually a rounding of 0.75mm
I think your sub-method drawer use option “Apply a Half-Slack to shared Edges“
All the best, Alex
But I have to adjust the facade for the second drawer manually, right?
If I have devided first drawer with nil, and in parameters are mentioned – from top 3mm, bottom 1.5mm.
Then the gap between first and second drawer will be 4.5 mm.
Please check added file.
Thanks for help.
I have a problem. When I`m deviding drawers with Nil Shelf.
If i create cabinet with two or more drawers, then the slack between drawers are – 3mm – as configured.
But when I`m deviding drawers with NIL shelf, It automatically makes the upper fasade 0.8mm slack from NIL panel (should be 1.5mm)
And drawer below nil panel is correct – 1.5 mm from NIL panel.
The parameters are ok.
Where else could be changed some rules – so that drawer is making 0.8 mm slack from lower NIL panel instead of 1.5mm?
PS: If wee look step by step – then imagine.
I create cabinet, where I`m deviding it with 3 NIL shelfs, (to get different facade heights)
When I place the first facade – the slack between NIL shelf under cabinet makes 1.5mm, but when I`m adding one more drawer under excisting drawer – the upper drawers slack between drawer and NIL shelf jumps to 0.8mm.
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