Wood Designer forum
Stairway - straight with a few abnormalities|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
October 4, 2012
Hi Per,
Here are your PDF files.
You’ll have to discard the steps 8 to 14 and just make them the same as 7.
You also have to smooth of the curve of the first step where the arcs meet. StairDesigner doesn’t do a great job of this.
Keep us updated on progress….
All the best,
October 4, 2012
Hi Per Birger,
Here are the files for you stair .
Can you check them through and tell me if you need PDFs.
All the best,
October 4, 2012
Hi Per Birger,
I was looking over your project and thought that just redrawing the steps parallel to the stair well would be enough to make the arrival wider.
In this case you would only need to modify the step lengths from the 7th steps up and make them all the same shape as the 7.
The hand rail will then have to be adjusted on site.
The stringers can either be parallel or angled as suits you best.
This would require no extra drawing on my part.
All the best,
October 4, 2012
H Per Birger,
Sorry to get back so late.
The new shape of the stair can not be done in StairDesigner and requires some work in CAD .
I can either send you the StairDesigner files that you can modify your self or I can do it for you.
But it will take extra time that I’ll need to ask you to pay for.
Our actual rate for this type of work would be 60€/hour. I would estimate around a couple of hours to set up the new drawings.
All the best,
not meant to be offensive. Its just that I need to start the work on this stair. The floor is ready this week, so I need the stair. I thing your idea with the rail with a turn is good, but I didn’t want you to go totally beyond the services that I have purchased. I am very satisfied with your expertise and services – but I don’t want to take to much advantage of your willingness to help.
Hi again Ness,
I think we should go for that. However, you dont have to rework the railing if this is timeconsuming. If the steps are shaped with a flair at first, then the top steps aligned with the stairwell, I think it is good. The railings are then less important. Then we do the rest in situ. I guess it is a possibility to fasten the lower top part of the railing to the stairwell. Keep in mind that i have to look into a solution for connecting the 2 nd floor railing with the stair railing too.
October 4, 2012
Hi Per Birger,
It’s all a question of compromise between building complexity and style.
A good compromise could be to make the handrails flair up to where they meet the ceiling and then straighten them parallel to the stair well to maintain maximum width up to the first floor. In this way the strings can still be kept straight so very simple to make while the steps flair and the only real complication being the joint between the rails.
The best way to join the rails would be to put an angled newel post .
This design will not be easy to set up in StairDesigner and will require re-working the original in CAD.
What do you think?
All the best,
Ness, we have discussed the stair. We think this is diffecult. It seems we ran into a few challenges, when we decided to turn the stringers and create this great design. We love the design. We think we should return to the original width. Obviously the stair will have to fit in between the opening. The handrail may be included, but we imagine this could be worked at on site.
Another solution might be to keep the top three steps the same size?
What is your opinion?
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