Wood Designer forum
Cutting Lists needed please|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
January 20, 2017
Hi Tanya,
Please find attached the PDF, sorry for the oversight
Cheers, Alex
January 20, 2017
Hi ,
Please finds your CabinetFiles attached for 2 Kitchens
Cheers, Alex
February 8, 2024
Hi Alex,
I am glad you did the temp cut list because I picked up that the drawer inners was still made from the wrong material.
I have corrected that and also removed all the “extras” like sink, stove, tap.
Then I can have a very plain and straight forward cut list. I now understand how it works a bit better…
Would you please send my a final cut list from the newly attached project? in dxf and pdf please
Thanks in advance
January 20, 2017
Hi Tanya,
Don’t worry, when you choose your taps I can create new taps if required,
Our libraries already include the most popular ones like Blum and Hettich,
I have included a temporary CSV cut list, to start your order, which shouldn’t change much on the final project.
Cheers, Alex
February 8, 2024
Hi Alex,
I will be going to the supply shop today to see which rails I want to use for the drawers.
I’ll also have a look at the hinges they have.
I live in South Africa so I will have to see what I can find on Polyboard to match the hardware that I want to use.
Please just give me a day to sort this out before you finalise the cut lists. I’l contact you a bit later again.
January 20, 2017
Hi Tanya,
Hope you are fine too?
Like explain on my previous replies hinges for Wall-Cab look te be not update,
And which drawers do you want to use for “Standard Drawer unit”
Cheers, Alex
February 8, 2024
Hi Alex,
Hope you are well?
Could you please send my the cutting lists for this project? It is the first one I have done so I truly hope everything is in place.
Please let me know if there is anything that I need to do differently.
Could you please send me the cutting lists in dxf and pdf files?
Thank you