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first stair|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
October 4, 2012
Hi Vidar and Michel,
Thanks Michel for this perfect answer to Vidar’s question. I’ve been away on a trade show this last week so haven’t had much time to look at the forum.
In Vidars stair I’ve set the posts with no penetration into the posts. The newel posts are just marked with the string position and no assembly details.I usually advise to do this and then to add the assembly details by hand either on DXF files if using CNC or simply by drawing directly on the paper templates or even just directly onto the wood when marking out the parts.
This enables the StairDesigner output to be used for mortise and tenon or bolted assembly.
I also advise using bolt and dowel or biscuit / domino assembly whenever possible. This is not only quicker to make but also much stronger. Here’s a video that shows how I suggest assembling strings, handrails, and posts:
All the best,
August 7, 2014
Hi Vidar ,
if you use version 6 there is no mortise on a stringer. I suppose you can correct this when you have the DXF files. You have to check the penetration depth you currently have for the stringer in the newel post. Based on this you can create your mortise . A typical recess is 25mm on top and bottom of the mortise. Do not forget to reduce the hole height in the newel post by 50 mm if you use this recess. Also the width needs to be adjusted to the mortise you make .
Version 7 has this possibility build-in.
Hi Ness,
hope this is correct
October 4, 2012
Hi Vidar,
In the compressed folder you have:
– vidar01v02-workshopdoc.pdf : this is the output of the dimensioned plan and each part with the cutting lists
– In the PDF folder you have the full size templates of the plan and each part
– in the DXF folder you have the 2D and 3D DXF of the whole stair and in the vidar01v02-parts sub folder all the DXF files of each part. The DXF files can be loaded into CAD like AutoCad or Draftsight (our recommended free CAD program) to add extra dimensions annotations etc.
All the best,
October 4, 2012
Hi Vidar,
Here are your manufacturing files.
Hope the build goes well.
Keep us updated.
All the best,
November 8, 2013
Hi Vidar, just a quick clarification. The page Ness linked to gives you details of the StairFile service. To order one, you need to be logged in as a Full member then click here: https://wooddesigner.org/membe…..discounts/
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