Wood Designer forum
Angled riser into stringer housing|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
October 4, 2012
Hi Bernard,
The traditional way of assembling the risers on winders is to plane a bevel on the riser face:
In general this works fine.
The bevel can be easily be hand planed you can also cut it with a table saw.
You can also cut with a cross cut saw or even grind it with a sander.
All the best,
I would like to ask any of you, with experience on winding (balanced) stair construction, about the fitting of a (angled) riser into the housing of a stringer.
I guess there are many ways to do it, but I would like to use the method that has been tried and tested over time.
Do I widen the housing ?
Do I shape the riser edge to fit ?
Do I add a beading to the riser edge ?
What can I do to have a neat and strong fitting into the housing ?
I have attached a sketch for easier comprehension.
Thanks for your help.
Not relevant, but just for info : In this case the riser is 20mm thick and the housing 50mm thick.
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