Wood Designer forum
connecting stringers to newel posts|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
October 4, 2012
Hi Bernard,
I suggest that you sign up for full membership and use the detailed documentation on stairs in our eBooks library.
You find lot’s of information as well as how to join posts to strings and videos on how to do it.
With full membership we’ll also send you working documents for your projects.
For the posts don’t hesitate to change the size of the posts, it’s easy and fast with StairDesigner.
All the best,
Thanks very much for your reply…
Would you perhaps have a photo or a sketch of a post cut to fit in the corner of 2 stringers joining ?
Thank you for your other suggestions… I also thought the posts were a bit over-dimensionned but too late to change now…
Thanks again.
October 4, 2012
Hi Bernard,
Sorry ot say but StairDesigner doesn’t draw the assembly details of the cut strings to the post.
We are working on the next version 7 that will go more into these details.
For the time being you have to add manually the cut string to post assembly details.
Depending on the way you want to build the stair you can either edit the DXF, manually draw the assembly onto the full size templates, or directly onto the boards when marking up.
You stair looks good, you might consider a few adjustments, like aligning the cut strings and handrails to assemble in the middle of the posts, reducing the step housing depth to 15 to 20 (30mm is a lot of wood to rout out).
At 115×115 your posts are very big section you could consider limiting to 90×90 or less…..
Otherwise great job.
All the best,
Hi all,
I have started to built my 3 flights stairs case.
I cannot figure out the way “StairDesigner” has planned to connect the cut stringers to the newel posts.
Initially I was expecting a connection mortice/tenon type but realised (a bit late) that it is not so.
The stringers appear to be butt jointed. Now how do the posts fit in ?
Would be glad if somebody can shine some light on the subject.
I have attached the Stairdesigner file,