Wood Designer forum
How do I make own shapings of steps for a wind staircase|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
October 4, 2012
Hi Hasse,
When you hover the mouse over a step nosing and click right, you can use the step shaping options.
The Japanese”left and right” options applied to alternate steps will give this sort of stair:
You can draw a polyline in DXF and add it to the shapes library and have any shape for the nosing.
Just go to Parameters>curves and then click the Import button:
When the curve is imported you can redimension it and make it fit you step.
All the best,
February 18, 2014
How can I make my own design of stepshapings?
I want to make an straight staircase with first step a strait curent step.
Second step like japanese left, third step japanese right, fourth step japanese left, then right, then left , etc…
I want my own version of japanese. Can I do this in stairdesigner or must I import it from someware?
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