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August 7, 2014
Hi Fil,
I do not know the situation, but such stairs mostly have walls surrounding the exterior, so the stair has nowhere to go. So fixing the exterior stringboards to the walls will secure the stair. On the third flight that connects with the beam, the right stringboard can be screwed in the beam from behind if you have the possibility to do so otherwise from the front and plug the hole.
Here are your documents for the stair.
Hi Michel,
thank you very much for the information and work.
i’m happy to follow your professional advice. i would like to go for the model without the newels.
the only thing i’m concerd with is the connection between the stair and the floors. the first flight can stand on the second floor; the third flight can lean against the wooden beam of the top floor ? are there any design features necessary for the wood, or do i have to bold it to the wooden beam.
if nothing has to change, than i would be great if you could send me a file that i could give to my cnc wood worker.
thank you so much
kind regards
August 7, 2014
Sorry fo the delay. I haven’t got your name on your message.
I would choose model 6 otherwise, the second flight becomes too large, but if you really want it, it is still possible. I have added 2 versions of model 6. One with newels if you want to add a handrail on the stair inside and one without newels for an eventual handrail wall mounted on the stair’s left side.
I have changed the qty of steps to provide a better going value. This also allowed a proper landing step in order to connect with the upper floor. The rise of the step is a bit higher, but we prefer to prioritise the going when it comes to compromises. I have corrected penetration values and connection types between stringers and newels and also played with the step positions in order to achieve an easier built-on-site when it comes to that point.
First, have a look at the variants and depending on how you are going to build it or eventually outsource, we can still make some changes accordingly. I would appreciate your feedback on this.
brand new on the forum, and a total noob at stairbuilding but find it very interesting. I have my share of questions. (i know that administrators are busy, so i don’t expect any argumentation or lesson, a simple yes or no and i would be very thankfull)
i have a rectangle well hole 3070mm by 1050mm. stair height 3010mm. it’s a steep stair. + 2 90 degrees turn.
it is between floor 2 and 3. it has a brick wall left and back.
only model 3 or 6 will do.
I’m looking for the easiest way of construct when parts arrive.
some questions
- support: the back and left side can be drilled into the wall for support. the front side will have to be self supporting.
- can string boards be self supporting on the front side of the stairs ? (or do they need a post from the floor up ?)
- if they don’t need such a support : do they need a post at the joining ? (a not supporting post, just to add more contact between the strings)
- since it’s a steep stair, can i drop the last step ? that way the height of the steps are reduced. (in the drawing supplied i put in a landing of 1mm wide at the top of the stairs “to fool” the software)
- how to make the connection between the stair and the wooden beams from 2nd and 3rd floor ? does that needs a special treatment in the software ?
- i have made 2 models; model 3 and 6; i have added 2 posts to model 3 because of open spaces in the stair. i think model 6 is more “walk-friendly”.
thank you in advance.
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