Wood Designer forum
Designing Non-Sheet Bookshelf|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
October 4, 2012
Hi Jonathan,
Your project could be set up in Polyboard but the crosses are not straight forward.
How would you be buying the wood and in what size and thicknesses?
I’m away from my office for a few days and I’ll try and set you up a model in my free time.
All the best,
Hi Jonathan
this can be done easily with polyboard, timber is timber, you just have to think laterally.
remember, from a production point of view you do not need to know exactly what stock you will be dealing with in polyboard, you would do that when it moves over to a cutlist program.
Ness, I’m sure will knock up a design, when I have time I will do one also.
Hi there! I just downloaded Polyboard and I love it! I do have one question, though. I’m trying to build a bookshelf, specifically this one:
As you can see, it is not a “sheet” styled bookshelf, but more using standard boards. The problem is that I live in Germany and they don’t have anything closely resembling American wood sizes. So, I’m trying to replicate the shelf using Polyboard, where I can specify the exact measurements of the available wood.
Is there a tutorial somewhere that allows me to create a cabinet with boards rather than sheets? Or am I doomed to use a complicated Autocad program?