Wood Designer forum
OptiCut to Altendorf Magis|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
October 4, 2012
Hi Grover,
Here is the answer of the developers to your question:
In the case of Altendorf, we do not generates “ACUT” lines specific to the trim cuts,
as in this respect we strictly follow the below Altendorf specifications:
Before the panel can be cut, at two sides a trim cut has to be made.
So damages can be removed and an exact 90 degree angle is achieved.
There is no sense of using the rip fence for the trim cuts, so the operator
performs the trim cuts without help of the program.
However, the “ACUT” instructions that we generate do include the trim cut value.
Attached is a very simple example (single part) optimized firstly without trims, then
with 20 mm trims, as well as the corresponding exported “SAW” files. You will notice
that the 666 and 396 values in the first file became 646 and376 in the second one.
We have not been informed of any change in the trim cut description, but if you have
any other information, please let us know.