Wood Designer forum
Import file to OptiCut program|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
October 4, 2012
Hi Jirade,
To set up the Bars stock import go to stock>Edit Bars click the “Import Options”.
By default the “Separator” option is set to “Semicolon” this corresponds to your Stock-1.csv file. However you Stock-sample.csv has a comma as separator so you’ll get a bad formate message if you don’t change the separator option to comma.
To set the field sequence click the “Format” button and drag and drop the fields from the left to the right column.
Once set up you should be able to import the file correctly.
If you need help setting this up once you have bought a licence, we can set up a Team Viewer session to walk you through this.
Best regards,
October 4, 2012
Hi Jiradet,
Sorry to reply so late, I did reply before but for some reason my reply has not been published to the forum…
I’m not sure why you text file is not importing, can you post the text file to the forum so that we can have a look?
Best regards,
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