New Grass hardware now available: Dynapro, Vionaro, Nova Pro Scala, Kinvaro and more

Grass is synonymous with beautifully designed yet functional movement systems. We are delighted to have extended the range of Grass hardware available in our cabinet software PolyBoard, pre-configured and ready to use. Let’s take a

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Traditional Wreathed Stair Using High and Low Tech

I have already published a few photos of the stairs made by Rick and Andy Suckely. Rick has recently sent me the photos of the finished stair so I thought I’d write…

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Designing a Straight Central Cut Stringer Staircase

Continuous curved central cut strings give a very elegant design for modern stairs, but the curved stringer and handrails can be long and expensive to manufacture. A compromise is to make the…

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Building a form for a concrete stair with StairDesigner

StairDesigner is very useful for building wood and metal stairs. It can also be very handy for setting out the form work when building a cement stair. As an example here’s an…

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How to Build a Wreathed Handrail on a Metallic Rail: Part 3

Here is the last article in the series for building a curved wreathed handrail on an irregular metallic rail. In my last article in this series I showed how to adjust the…

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How to build a curved handrail for stairs

Real life situations are usually too diverse to fit all in one box. And Stair building is certainly on of the more complex and diverse branches of woodworking. Like most professionals, to…

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Handrail made with Twisted Laminates

When I have to make a wooden hand rail to fit a metal stair rail that has a smooth regular curve the easiest way is to use twisted laminates. If, as is…

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laminated stair finished

Laminating curved stair stringers

When a string is less than 60mm thick it becomes difficult to make it using horizontal laminates because the outer face veneers tend to pull it out of shape when being glued…

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How to Make a Wooden Handrail on Metal Rail: Part 2

Here’s the second article on building irregularly curved handrails on metallic rails. Theses articles explain how to make a wreathed handrail in walnut that follows a pre-existing metallic rail. Before reading you…

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Cut String Construction with Add On Supports

Here are a few photos of how to build central cut strings with add on step supports. Thanks to Pascal for these photos. For more information of building cut strings click below:…

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How to Design a Wooden Handrail for an Existing Stair with StairDesigner

StairDesigner isn’t really made to design railings only but with a bit of a trick you can easily design all sorts of railing for existing stairs whether they be in wood cement,…

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